Since when did silence become a religion?

A Texas family is suing Gov. Rick Perry and a school district over a state-mandated moment of silence in schools.

David Wallace Croft and his wife, Shannon, of Carrollton, Texas, have three children at Rosemeade Elementary and argue that the moment of silence is unconstitutional and amounts to state-sanctioned school prayer.

The couple has a history of complaints against religious-affiliated words and images in schools, having previously complained about Boy Scout rallies held during school, fliers sent home about Good News Bible Club meetings and the inclusion of "Silent Night" and a Hanukkah song in holiday concerts, according to report.,2933,292619,00.html

After school activities, such as the Boy Scouts, are offensive too?

If such mundane things offend you, why not home school your children so you can churn out little cookie cutter robots in lock step like you want, instead of infringing on other’s rights?